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Showing posts from March, 2019

The First 365 Days

Life is a never ending journey. I feel so blessed to have found you while I am walking on this road. Who said relationships are easy? It never was and it never will. Our relationship is no exception. It's hard but we always find a way to make it work. You find ways to be closer to me even if walls are built between us. Without you I will never understand what it is to trully love without exception. I will never know how it feels to trully love without limitations. I will never know how it feels like to be loved by you. You make each and everyday so special for both of us. Some days are better than the others. Some days are painful than the others. Few days were full of sadness and pain than the others. Some days are cloudy and rainy. But I could only remember those days you light up my face. I could say that you make each and everyday so bright. You and your love gives me so much happiness. My life was just normal before you came. When you came, you make it extra-ordinary. I